Thursday, February 28, 2013

Dump it!

The dumpster was removed today!

The gas lines were marked out yesterday with paint and flags. This was probably done by the gas guy that was supposed to be coming out to look at relocating the gas meter.

No other lines have been marked yet.

We didn't get any confirmation from the gas company that they looked at relocating the meter. I'm not sure if they will call, email or mail us with updated status. I guess we will find out.

Monday, February 25, 2013

Monday 2/25/13 Not much happened today

Today the guys came and put all the wood from the deck into the dumpster. We also marked the spot for the gas line "sketch" with a stake at the end of the house. The guy from NJNG is supposed to come out Wednesday. Apparently they have to sketch it out before actually moving the gas line. Hopefully it doesn't take too long.

Saturday, February 23, 2013

Master Closet Design

We have been thinking alot about our master closet design and want to add a laundry area to the master closet to minimize the traveling required to do laundry.

In order to get a better sense of how it will really look and feel we put together a model in google sketchup after coming up with a design in plan view.

Sketchup is a great tool, but does take some getting used to.  Another great part about sketchup is that you can create "scenes" which allow you to create an animation video which really helps to feel the space.

The videos shrink alot in size when you make them .avi files, but watching on the computer that you make them, they remain large and are great!

Here is a plan view of the closet:

Here is link to a video from our model:

Friday, February 22, 2013

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Our Pretty House


We decided to add a master suite (bedroom, bathroom, walk in closet) to our ranch style house. Which then snowballed into adding a new area of the basement, screened in porch, and poured concrete patio.  

Addition process so far: Selected contractor, got drawings from architect, obtained permits from city (took 2 months!!!), set start date for the week of February 18. We have been looking at different arrangements for the walk in closet we are planning, and layouts for the furniture in the master bedroom. This is to make sure the window and door placement is where we want it.

We are watching the weather and waiting. Much of the 4-6 inches we got Friday night is melted, hopefully this is the last of the snow this year!