Thursday, March 28, 2013
One step forward...
Wednesday, March 27, 2013
We were scheduled to have our gas meter moved yesterday but the snow on Monday pushed the schedule back a day.
So then we were scheduled for today. We then found out that the time slot was for the afternoon and the GC thought it was too risky to shut the gas off in the afternoon and opted to reschedule for tomorrow.
Hopefully this will actually happen tomorrow.
We will need to remove the red maple tree at the end of the driveway to allow for the back hoe which is fine since it is in the way of our future wood shed anyway.
Saturday, March 23, 2013
Coffee table complete!
One coat of gel stain and three costs of polyurethane separated by a day each, and we are finally finished with the coffee table build!
We learned a lot of new things during this project and will use them in future projects.
Most notably with finishing we will try other wood filler techniques like Ana White suggests. We used regular, gray stainable wood filler but it didn't take the same color as the wood and stands out as blotches.
The holes from the nail gun are so small that we might forego the wood filler or use filler that is already colored to match the stain.
We are happy with how it turned out and are looking for an end table design now.
Tuesday, March 19, 2013
Becky stained the table today! It looks great and we can't wait to get it completely finished so we can use it!
It's together!
Tuesday, March 12, 2013
Table Day 3
Monday, March 11, 2013
Day 2 of Table Making
Sunday, March 10, 2013
Practice makes Perfect
We will be trying to make this:
Hopefully it works out so we can get rid of the cheap coffee table I got off of Craigslist. So far we spent 2 hours at Lowes picking up supplies, and about 3 hours on the table. We only got to step 3/14, but learned how to use a few new tools.
In other news: Supposedly digging will start Wednesday! Hopefully the gas meter will be moved by then.
Saturday, March 9, 2013
Monday, March 4, 2013
The gas company came back out today to sketch the new meter location because they lost the paperwork from last week.
They originally said the meter must be at least three feet from a window but later said the three foot rule wasn't required if you don't use the window. They will relocate the meter to the location we requested.
They said the cost would be $600 and it would be 2 weeks before they could move it. (They have to get permits and schedule an appointment to come back out.) They also recommended running the inside gas lines so it's ready for when they come out.
The GC said he would try to speed this process up and plans to start excavating on Thursday of this week.