Saturday, August 31, 2013

Regrading And Bed Frame Completion Almost

The excavator was here today for about a half day with two laborers working on regrading the yard.  It definitely looks better, but hopefully we can get some grass to grow to help stop the erosion.  They are supposed to seed it on Tuesday.  So I am expecting some torrential Tstorms before then, ruining all the work they did.

Bed frame has it's final coat of paint.  Still need to cut and install all of the slats, but that won't take very long.

Photos below:

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Bed Vanity And Electrical

Progress is now slowing to a snail's pace, but it is moving none the less.

The bed frame is coming along and we just need to paint it now (it has a coat of primer).  Electrical is done in the addition except for the smoke detector (coming Friday) and the star light.

Vanity and linen closets are completed and closets were painted today.

Updated photos below!

Monday, August 26, 2013

Making of bed part 1

Spent all of Sunday working on the bed. 

Step one: Make boxes for underneath storage. They are 13" high.

Step two: Make headboard, scribed to wall so it can sit flush against the wall with the trim intact.

Step 3: Make sure it is sturdy enough.

Step 4: Apply trim... Which we haven't finished yet, still a work in progress!

Today granite guy came to template out the vanity countertop. Joe is working on the vanity. He cut out the areas for the outlets and is gluing together the doors. He also installed the hardware on the pocket doors!

Saturday, August 24, 2013

Kayak carrier to the rescue

So we had some debate on how to get the wood home for making the bed frame and headboard. We debated whether to rent a truck, put it flat on top or use the kayak carriers. We ended up having the hardwood plywood ripped at the store and then we loaded the wood into the kayak carriers. The 8' 1x2 and 1x3s fit inside the Jetta. Tomorrow is build day!

Fridays 2 hour blitz

Friday from 3-5pm- vanity linen cabinets semi fitted into place. Also silver handles were put on 2 of the doors.

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Vanity and electric

The carpenter was here to install the vanities.  He started the frame of the built-ins as well.

Almost all of the electrical devices are installed In the addition!

It is looking good!