Sunday, September 29, 2013

Closet Consumption

Wow, this closet has really consumed my life.  Finally started trimming it out.  Without the shoe rack installed it is difficult to finish the molding.  We still need a couple of pieces of molding and hardware for all the drawers! I got the base molding and crown molding today.

Lucky for me Sandra already detailed out how to cut crown molding for the different corners, which made it possible!

Photos and updated video:

Saturday, September 28, 2013

Closet continues

This closet is alot of work but it is finally starting to take shape.

After many mishaps with my drawers I finally finished them today. It was a great feeling when that last one slid right in without having to make any fine tune adjustments.

Here is a link to a video of the bedroom and closet.

Other photos below

Saturday, September 21, 2013

Drawers galore!

Busy day working on drawers  after our first psl of the season and picking up our new duvet!

Finished all of the dado cuts yesterday and assembled and installed 9 of the 10 drawers.

Drawer glides are working well on most drawers. 

Toilet room medicine cabinet was finished and installed yesterday.

Photos of the madness below.

Painting continues...

From this:

Drawer on its side (so you can see the dado cut)

Stack of drawers to be installed:

To this!

The last drawer was not installed because we made a last minute decision to make 2 shorter drawers on the top so we were short one slide.

Bathroom cabinet:

Door front:

View of joint from top of cabinet:

Thursday, September 19, 2013


Vent Before:

Vent After Becky fixed it:

Close up:

Better right?

Jim had a good idea to paint everything you can see in the wall black, which I executed. Then I cut the frame and the punched metal to size, glued on the punched metal with wood glue and painted. 

We had the contractor patch up the hole in the wall that wasn't an actual return which made the hole much smaller.

New wall color in family room, airy mint:
They only painted the one wall which they cut into, but the two greens look good together. We will probably paint the rest of the room the lighter green at some point.


We slept in the new room last night for the first time. And also took a shower in the new shower! It was fun trying out all the sprays and the endless hot water was amazing! (We put in a tankless water heater for the hot water in the addition, and kept the natural gas water heater in the old house.)

Today we were working on a cabinet for above the toilet, and primed all the shelves for the closet. Jim played with the router to try and match Joe's handiwork. I have to say, it looks pretty good. Will post pics when painting is completed.

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Shower door installed

It took about an hour and 45 min to install the door. The main guy was teaching a new employee how to do an install, so I'm not sure if it took longer than usual.

Pics below:

The sun is out so its creating a glare on the door from the window above the vanity.


The guy glued around the panel and said it would be dry in 24 hours to not get it wet or slam it.

Monday, September 16, 2013

Day 166 - Finish Plumbing

Plumbers were here today to fix the leaking faucet and install the tankless water heater.

So far so good.  They also hooked up the furnace gas.  I tried turning the heat on to see if it worked, and it didn't so I shut it off.

Plumbing inspection is supposed to be Wednesday.  The GC tried to schedule the electrical inspection for Wednesday and I told him we wouldn't be ready.  It will probably take two weeks to get a hold of the electrician to finish the job now.  Maybe another week for all the parts to come in...

One step closer.  Hopefully we get the shower door Wednesday.

We put up the towel holders and the TP holder.  The curtains might come in tomorrow and we will start hanging those.

Washing Machine Pan they put in the closet.  We didn't ask for it, not sure we really want it, but maybe it is a code issue?

 Gas line to the furnace installed

 Tankless water heater

Water heater vent pipe

Washing machine drain pipe sticking down through the rafters

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Closet Continues

The closet work continues.

Following the Friday update, we found a significant plumbing leak.  It looks like the shower head control on the exterior wall is not connected to the piping because water is shooting out of it and dripping down to the basement :(

Apparently the plumber didn't notice or even check to see if there were any leaks.

I asked the GC if he ever sealed the shower floor (99% confident he didn't) and confirmed that he didn't.  He was "waiting until all the grout was touched up".  The tile has only been installed for a month and a half, no rush.

So since the sealer takes ~2 days to cure, I decided to seal the shower floor because, if they actually do finish the shower, it would be nice to use it rather than wait 2 days for it to cure.  Also, it looked like the water was starting to stain the floor, which is not good either.

I put three coats of sealer on it yesterday.

The bed was delivered and is a little bit shorter than standard king.  The bathroom mirrors were delivered but were black instead of white.  So we have to send those back.

Updated photos below:

Leak in basement

Faulty Fixture, you can see the water line running down from the middle of it

Our new bed!

Wrong color Mirror!

Before Sealer

Before Sealer - Tile Closeup

After Sealer

After Sealer

First Drawer with dado for bottom

Close up of dado on bottom - gotta be careful, almost lost sacrificed a finger for that dado

Closet after this weekend

Closet after this weekend