Sunday, September 8, 2013

Closet build - part one

Sis came to help with the closet build this weekend.  First we needed to get the wood.  Since we needed 15 sheets of 3/4 plywood we decided to rent the Lowes truck which was an experience.
We had to wait 2 hours for the truck so we had lunch while waiting.
The truck rental is for an hour and we made it back with 3 minutes to spare!
In a little over 24 hours we got all of the cabinet carcases made and attached to the wall. We have 3 sheets of plywood left to rip into right sized pieces.
Big progress! Photos and video below!

Our new router!
2x6 as bases:

Using jigsaw to cut  out the receptacle:


Adding cleats to secure into wall:

End of day tool sorting:

Wood cut from 4x8 boards waiting to be installed:

Movie link:

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