Thursday, April 11, 2013

7 Courses

Three masons arrived around 7:30AM this morning and started pulling the forms off of the footings.  That was all I saw before leaving for work.

They were able to get 7 courses of block laid today.  It looks pretty good, though I did notice some joints without mortar, or where the mortar appears to have shrunk since they laid the block.  Wire racks were used between every other course and rebar was also used vertically.  I wonder if they will be filling the wall with concrete.

I am glad we will be getting the rubberized water proofing to seal up the cracks.

There is a box of anchor bolts that will be used to attach the sill plate,but I didn't see any lintels for the window, so I am not sure what the plan is for that.

Now for some photos!

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