Saturday, April 13, 2013

Finishing Foundation Walls

The masons were here early on a Saturday morning!  2 masons arrived at about 8AM and two more arrived at 9AM when I was leaving to get, a new to me, guitar!

When I got home at about 5:30, there were still 3 masons here.  I confirmed that they are Polish.  They are killing it on the foundation wall and are just about complete.

When I got home they hadn't left a spot for the window and I was concerned, but a few minutes later I heard a saw and thought maybe they are cutting the window out!  And they were!  They have the anchors for the sill plate installed on the east and west corners, but not on the north / south walls.  I am not sure if they just ran out of time or what happened.

They tore back the siding to expose the existing sill plate, rim joist and subfloor to see how high they need to go.  The new rafters will be 2x12s instead of 2x8s so the bottom of the joists will not line up.

They filled the blocks (by the bucket full) that had reinforcing bars installed.  They have used most of the block now.

They still need to get the tile drain / perforated pipe installed by the footing.  These materials haven't been delivered yet.

Now for some photos:

Walking the planks is fun.  They are a bit rickety, but some big masons were on them so it must be safe. They lay them so that one side of the plank is under the previous plank, and on top of the next plank so they are weighted and don't fly up when you step on the edge of it.

Got some good overview shots from ontop of the cinderblocks that are left.

We need to make sure we strip back some of the earth around the existing foundation so that we can rubberize and seal the joint between the two foundation walls.

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