Thursday, June 27, 2013

Porch - Day 4!

Missed posting yesterday.  Yesterday they continued working on the porch, de-framed the pocket door that was too small, and vented one of the existing exhaust fans through the roof.

Today they continued on the porch, framed the attic access, sealed up the exterior penetrations and electrical boxes and started cleaning up (putting stuff in the dumpster).

Apparently the framing inspector was back again today, but still wasn't happy with the amount of sealing used for the exterior penetrations and he wants straps between the headers and liners.  Headers are the horizontal boards over doors / windows and liners are the filler studs that are used to outline the door or window.

Photos below:

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Porch framing day 3

I'm not sure if it's really framing at this point. More like finish work. 

Noon pic- he plywooded around the bottom and cut strips to complete the 6x6. And then put down a vapor barrier where I believe it will be sided to match the house. 

5:30pm view:

View from sliding glass door:

The contractor really wants to put something up on the ceiling to cover the rafters said this is the time to do it. Of course it will probably cost more money. 

Detail pic:

Monday, June 24, 2013

Today's surprises

Met Joe today, he is a carpenter. 

Basement window installed:

Pocket door installed:

Framing of porch from sliding glass door:

Pic 2 from the outside:

Pic 3:

Only one guy working here again. Nothing for the framing inspection was completed. Not sure when he is planning on fixing that list of things. 

Friday, June 21, 2013

Porch Framing Day 1

Today we passed the electrical and plumbing rough ins! The latch was finally installed on the sliding glass door so we can lock it. And porch framing was started 8:30-3:30. I wish I had those kind of hours. 

View from inside looking out onto soon to be screened in porch:

Pic of the flashing at base of screened in porch area:

Vent pipe

This post is for Thursday  the 20th.

The plumbers installed the vent piping through the roof.

Supposedly they took care of dyone paperwork to add the laundry to the permit.

Some photos below.  Also some photos of the AC install.

Wednesday, June 19, 2013


AC unit was installed.

Thermostat and damper wire installed.

Damper control panel installed.

Freon lines connected.

2 of 3 thermostats installed.

System is up and running for 2/3 zones.

2 thermostats are on the wifi network and operational. Yay!

Another layer of fiberglass was added to the shower pan.

No photos today. The AC guys were here until 1030 getting the system running.

Monday, June 17, 2013

Patio Finishing

The masons were here to finish off the patio.  They installed the scuppers to funnel the water off of the patio, fixed the corner that was damaged by the excavator, poured a pad for the AC unit and put the top on the wall.

The GC cleaned up the basement and addition and scheduled electrical inspection for tomorrow.

I finished up the electrical punch list left by the inspector, so hopefully we pass electrical inspection tomorrow.

The HVAC contractor is supposed to be coming back tomorrow so I left a note with the thermostats and the seal tight to connect the AC condensing unit.

Photos of the update below: