Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Finally we have the patio poured!

Lots of progress today. Patio was finally poured.... They were rushing to finish the rebar before the concrete guy came. It looks pretty good! We will tell tomorrow when it rains if it's sloped well. (There's also a possibility of hail tomorrow.) 
Footings getting filled by hand.

Rough concrete pour.

Smoothing out the rough pour. Then they smoothed it again with a thing on a stick, and waited about an hour for it to set a little then smoothed it by hand. Seen below:

The windows are out of the old master bedroom and bathroom and are boarded up. And the hole is cut for the door to the new master suite. There's just plywood covering it right now. They are supposed to come back tomorrow to put in the egress window and possibly a door? 
The master window- gone!

This afternoon the gutter guy came!!!! We decided to just get all new gutters instead of leaving the old gutters on the front. They are nice and shiny white! I'm glad we decided to change them all. Again- we will tell tomorrow how these gutters hold up and how good of a job they do. 

Hopefully no more Stallone waterfall.

A shot of the back:
And a shot of the front (it's a little hard to see the gutters in this shot, but take my word for it they look good!

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